Ficus Ruby
*Flower and Plant delivery is available only for Auckland*
The Ficus Elastica does well in a range of temperatures. Ideal temperatures are between 15 and 29 degrees.
Your Ficus will grow best with consistent, bright indirect light. This will assist in keeping the beautiful deep red colouring prominent on the leaves. We recommend rotating your plant to ensure it gets even sunlight on all sides. In doing so, this should encourage your plant to grow relatively symmetrically.
The large leaves of the Ficus Elastica do attract dust and can be gently wiped periodically with a damp cloth or even rinsed off in the shower. Ficus Elastica can grow very tall and will need to be pruned to maintain the desired height.
To encourage the big, beautiful leaves that the F. Elastica produces, it’s best to feed your plant during the growing season. You can do so with your choice of fertiliser – little and often is best, so use a weak balanced feed every few weeks in spring and summer.
Keep steadily moist, but don’t allow your plant to sit in water – discard any water remaining in the drip tray after 20-30 minutes. Allow the top layer of soil to dry out before watering again. Less water will be required over the winter months.
Any loose, fast-draining potting soil will likely do.
Ficus Elastica is mildly toxic. It’s best to keep them out of reach of children and pets as they have a milky sap that can cause irritation if ingested, or if it comes in contact with the skin.
Drooping leaves: This is an indication that your Ficus is thirsty! Increase your watering and you will see improvements. The best way to check if your plant needs water is by checking the weight of the pot.
Loss of leaves: This is most commonly caused by improper watering. The soil has either stayed too dry for too long or too wet for too long. Aim to let the top few cms of soil dry out before watering again and keep to this regime. Leaf loss can also occur due to the plant being kept in a spot that is too dark and/or too cold.
Brown spots on the leaves: This could be a result of a few things. Sunburn and temperature fluctuation. Ensure your Ficus is kept in bright indirect light, and try to avoid keeping it in an area where temps get below 15 degrees.